Living Waters

Friday, December 28, 2007

Kiah's new quilt

For Christmas, I made Kiah & Kael each a doggie quilt. She liked hers a lot. I don't have a picture of his yet.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12 Days of Christmas

Every year we choose someone to bless with 12 special gifts on the days before Christmas. We wait until dark & sneak around leaving different things. In all the years past, we did this.....

ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...a partridge in a pear tree. Sorry, but we can't find the partridge, so we are givng you some pears from the tree the partridge flew away from. ON THE SECOND DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...two turtle doves...but dont' have any...will this turtle with a bar of Dove soap do? ON THE THIRD DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...three French hens...well, we don't have any French hens, so we're giving you some chicken noodle soup, compliments of the three French hens ON THE FOURTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...four calling birds...we can't find those calling birds though! Here are 4 messages they left for you before they flew off. ON THE FIFTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...five golden rings, but sorry, we're too poor for golden rings, but will some golden pineapple rings do? ON THE SIXTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...six geese a laying, but we know you don't really want the mess of six geese all over your house, do you? How about some eggs that they left behind! ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to swans a swimming! OK, we looked for the swans, but couldn't find them, but we did find some bubble bath they used while they were swimming! ON THE EIGHTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...eight maids a-milking. Here is some milk we got from the eight maids -- we think they must have been milking some brown cows! ON THE NINTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...nine ladies dancing...Here are some canes used by the nine ladies who were out dancing all night! ON THE TENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS: your true friend gave to you...ten lords-a-leapin' - here is some "sore muscle remedy", which is highly recommended by the ten Lords we saw out jumping around ON THE ELEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...eleven pipers piping, so here is a pipe of your own, have fun with it, but don't "blow" the whole day! ON THE TWELFTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS, your true friend gave to you...twelve drummers drumming, but we figured twelve drummers drumming would take up way too much room, so we drummed up some cookies for you...hope they keep this from being just another hum-"drum" day for you.

This year because I like a challenge, we decided to revamp our gifts a little bit. Days 1 through 3 were the same as usual but on day 4 we started changing things.

Day 4
On the 4th day of Christmas your true friend gave to you 4 Calling birds…

When birds do the calling,
who knows what they say?
Are they calling their friends
to come out & play?

It could be a lot of things;
If only we knew.
Are they ordering pizza?
That’s what I’d do!

It’s driving me crazy;
I’ve just got to know!
Please tell us, little birdie;
tell us quick before you go.

Day 5
On the 5th day of Christmas your true friend gave to you 5 golden rings………… Ring around the rosie; Ring neck duck, Ring around the collar; Ring around the tub. Ring the bells of Heaven. Wear a wedding ring. Rings of smoke; Rings of fire, Rings that make you sing 5 Golden rings are given to you. Not the kind that you wear. But the kind that you hear. Aren’t these bells lovely? Hear them tinkle & chime? Listen closely, they’re saying Merry Christmas friend of mine!

Day 6
Stayed the same. I like my little fried eggs in a pan

Day 7
On the 7th day of Christmas your true friend gave to you 7 swans a swimming……….

Swans are elusive. We searched high & low.
We fretted & worried & asked those who’d know.

But no one had seen one; they just weren’t around.
No matter how diligent no swans could be found.

Our whole house was sad. Our gift would be spoiled.
After all our hard work; our plans would be foiled.

All of a sudden; I started to smile!
I’d remembered a story I’d read as a child.

We didn’t need swans; we just needed luck
& a beautiful swan would grow from a duck.

Day 8
The maids were all milking,
Milk foaming like suds.
And then they all vanished
Just leaving “Milk Duds.”

Day 9
On the 9th day of Christmas
Your true friend gave to you
9 ladies dancing…….

9 ladies dancing;
O what a sight.
How lovely they were
in the moonlight.

They were so graceful
& how their legs flew.
One kicked so high
That off came her shoe!

We’re leaving it here
To help you to know
Of the love & good wishes
We’re trying to show.

Day 10
Our 10 lords a leaping
Have gone to lie down.
But in their place,
Look what we found!
Here's a movie night package
They made just for you.
They hope you enjoy it
And we do, too!

Day 11
11 pipers piping, how exciting is that!
It’s almost as cool as the meow of a cat.

How jealous will the neighbors be
To hear the glorious harmony!

Your friends are all envious
To see how you’re loved by us.

As the days go by, our poetry gets worse.
I hope you don’t read it & groan with a curse.

We’re leaving this piper as a reminder to you.
That we love you, yes, we surely do.

Day 12
On the 12th day of Christmas your true friend gave to you 12 drummers drumming…

The drummers were busy & had places to go.
Stay we pleaded but they said no.

If you’re not here come morning how will she know?
After all of our planning this was quite a blow.

No drummers for Mae? This couldn’t be right.
She’d have been so excited & filled with delight.

We thought & we wondered & we felt kind of dumb.
But finally our youngest said, “HEY! Let’s give her a drum!”

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Very Grady Christmas

The play was a huge success. We spent all day cooking & I was so tired by the time it was over that I thought I would keel over but it was worth it. Some of the highlights were Kim as Ginnie. She was crazy! No one could believe Kim would act like that. A favorite song in the play was the barbershop quartet doing "Sleigh Ride". They were wonderful! Another huge hit was Stacie reciting Luke chapter 2 verses 1 through 19 from memory. Wow!

Jenna's Shower

There were 43 women at the shower. It was beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen a nicer shower. This is Jenna with the cake I made.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Our State Fair

It's over. It was a lot of fun & a lot of work. Right now I am glad we are finished but by next week, I'll be ready to do another.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Final Exam

They all passed. :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Cake Stuff

This week we covered cakes with fondant. The kids were surprised at how easy it was. I was surprised at how nice their cakes turned out.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Marzipan, fondant & food coloring oh my!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Today our class made roses, aliens, clowns, frogs & assorted little creatures to use on next week's cakes. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy teaching these kids.

Friday, September 28, 2007

What do you suppose he's thinking about?

Advanced Cake Decorating 2007/2008

This year we are doing our first advanced class. I had 11 students. Aren't they cute? & yes, I still have plywood in my sewing room. It's become a fixture.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a week!

Last weekend, I made Dee 2 baby slings & mailed them to her.
Yesterday, I cut out pieces for Bonnie's sling. Hopefully I can get it together & mailed out by tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Quilt

This is the one I'm trying to sell on Ebay.

Stacy's Quilt

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Kitchen

Before & After photos of our kitchen remodelling

Turduckhen Experience

For Thanksgiving, dh & I wanted to try making a Turduckhen. It was interesting but waaaaaaay too much work. I'm glad we did it one but I'll never do it again.

Wedding Cheesecake

These cakes had brownie on the bottom & cheesecake on the top. Because the air conditioning failed, they had a bit of a melting problem but they still tasted great.

Jamie's shower cake

This is the cake I made for Jamie's wedding shower.

Mystery Luncheon

The C.S.I. class Mystery Luncheon

C.S.I. class

Crime scene photos