Living Waters

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jerusalem Marketplace VBS 2008

It was a huge success. I've never enjoyed VBS so much. 9 children got saved.


r said...

Wow, what a blessing! That's great that those 9 got saved.

Kim said...

Hi Cathy,

I have been checking up on blogs tonight and just wanted you to know I checked in! Glad to see that things are going well. Drop me an e-mail if you want - my address is the same (if you still have it) and tell me what you are up to! We had a wedding in May - you can check this blog for info/photos!

~Kim (in TX)

Wendy aka "Grits" said...

It looks like y'all had a great time!!!

r said...

Just checking in and missing you. :o)

Debbie B said...

The pictures look like everyone is having a great time. Thanks for sharing them with us.


TobyBo said...

... so... it was The Birds?

Aaack. My DH loves that one. He once watched most of it frame by frame to see what birds were real and which ones were models. Made me crazy. :)